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Dimitri Nicolau
Dimitri | Nicolau |
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Symfonische muziek
Instrumentale muziek
Vocale muziek
Compositions sorted on opus (if available)
Sheet music for Dimitri Nicolau
La belle et la bete op. 68 — Dimitri Nicolau
Mandolin Orchestra — —
Composed by Dimitri Nicolau. Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz #VF 1151-10. Published by Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz (E4.VF-1151-10).
Price: $20.00
La belle et la bete op. 68 — Dimitri Nicolau
Mandolin Orchestra — —
Composed by Dimitri Nicolau. Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz #VF 1151-11. Published by Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz (E4.VF-1151-11).
Price: $5.00
La belle et la bete op. 68 — Dimitri Nicolau
Mandolin Orchestra — —
Composed by Dimitri Nicolau. Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz #VF 1151-12. Published by Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz (E4.VF-1151-12).
Price: $5.00
La belle et la bete op. 68 — Dimitri Nicolau
Mandolin Orchestra — —
Composed by Dimitri Nicolau. Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz #VF 1151-13. Published by Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz (E4.VF-1151-13).
Price: $5.00
La belle et la bete op. 68 — Dimitri Nicolau
Mandolin Orchestra — —
Composed by Dimitri Nicolau. Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz #VF 1151-14. Published by Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz (E4.VF-1151-14).
Price: $5.00
La belle et la bete op. 68 — Dimitri Nicolau
Mandolin Orchestra — —
Composed by Dimitri Nicolau. Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz #VF 1151-15. Published by Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz (E4.VF-1151-15).
Price: $5.00
Strasenmusik Nr. 13, op. 160 — Dimitri Nicolau
Mandolin Orchestra — —
Composed by Dimitri Nicolau. Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz #VF 1260-10. Published by Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz (E4.VF-1260-10).
Price: $21.00
Strasenmusik Nr. 13, op. 160 — Dimitri Nicolau
Mandolin Orchestra — —
Composed by Dimitri Nicolau. Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz #VF 1260-11. Published by Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz (E4.VF-1260-11).
Price: $7.00
Strasenmusik Nr. 13, op. 160 — Dimitri Nicolau
Mandolin Orchestra — —
Composed by Dimitri Nicolau. Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz #VF 1260-12. Published by Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz (E4.VF-1260-12).
Price: $7.00
Strasenmusik Nr. 13, op. 160 — Dimitri Nicolau
Mandolin Orchestra — —
Composed by Dimitri Nicolau. Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz #VF 1260-13. Published by Musikverlag Vogt & Fritz (E4.VF-1260-13).
Price: $7.00
From 1959, the year in which he begins to compose and to realize his compositions publicly, he reaches today a catalog of over 300 compositions including 3 Operas, 5 Symphonies, numerous Concerts for Soloist and Orchestra, many works for plucked string orchestra, soloist and ensembles, works for chamber ensemble, many works for Voice, two Cantatas for soloist, choir, actors and large orchestra, ballet music. Besides that, he has composed sound tracks for cinema, television and radio , music and songs for infancy and over a 100 scores for the prose theater.
His music exploits masterly each instrument (or voice) potential, often with most unusual tone colours and unusual playing techniques. Many of his works exhibit an intense theatrical quality.
Many CD’s are realized e distributed by: Edipan, Ponzo-Records, Lyra in Athens, Ksyme in Athens, Pentaphon, Materiali Sonori, Fonit-Cetra (Italy), La Follia Madrigal (France), Troubadisc (Germany), Antes Edition (Baden - Germany).
Over 190 compositions have appeared in many musical editions such as:
Edipan (Rome - Italy) , Pentaflowers (Rome - Italy), Nakas (Athens - Greece), J. Trekel MusikVerlag (Hambourg - Germany), VogT & Fritz MusikVerlag (Schweinfurt - Germany), Materiali Sonori (Arezzo - Italy), Agenda Ed. Mus. (Bologna - Italy), Mnemes (Palermo - Italy), Auralit (Bologna - Italy & New York- USA), Bèrben (Ancona - Italy).
Composer, stage director, conductor, musicologist and professor Dimitri Nicolau was born in Keratea ( Greece) and naturalized Italian, he resides and works in Rome. Besides his musical studies in Greece and in France he has done researches in the vast field of popular music with particular interest in the Mediterranean and Balkan area. In 1967 his opposition to the regime of the Greek colonels got him political asylum from the Italian state. Graduated in cinematography in the Experimental Center of Cinematography in Rome ( C.S.C ) he has practiced this profession for some years without yet interrupting composition, collaborating with different directors: S.Agosti, M Bellocchio, M.Brenta, V. Gassman, N. Koundouros, M. Meschke, M. Ponzi, C. Tuzii a. o. He has frequented the faculty of Modern Letters in Rome University. Fundamental for his artistic formation is the relationship with the theory and the Collective Analysis of Massimo Fagioli in Rome. He has dedicated several years to didactic activity as a teacher of stage song, vocal theatrical technique and as a composer of original music at the Institute of Ancient Drama (INDA) of Syracuse, the Theatrical Academy of Calabria, the Theater Calabria a.o.
Many of his works show an intense theatrical quality. His works have been performed at many musical centers throughout Europe, North Africa, U.S.A., Canada, Japan, at Italian festivals like: “Incontri Musicali Romani”, “Nuova Consonanza”, “Danzaricerca”, “Musica 900”, “Nuova Musica Italiana alla RAI - RadioUno”, “Il Politecnico Musica”, “Teatro del Opera”, “Rassegna Intern. di Musica Contemporanea”, "EAST meet WEST", “World Saxophones Congress at Pesaro” ,“Abruzzo Rossini Festival” , “Emilia Romagna Festival” etc.,
Also at festivals in: Greece, England, Poland, Holland, Spain, Germany, France, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, Norway, URSS, Denmark, Belgium, Egypt, Ethiopia, Turkey, S. Arabian, U.S.A, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Brazil, Canada, Japan, Lithuany, Australia etc. .
He has received many prizes and awards for his music and many commissions from numerous ensembles and international soloists like:
Aurelia Sax Quartet of Amsterdam, Ensemble ItaL. di Sassofoni, Trio Mondelci-Mazzoni-Giuliodori, Athens Chamber Orchestra, Symmolpa Ens. of Athens, Plucked String Orch. of Patras, the Circolo Musicale of Athens, Strings in Stein (Holland), Nederland Sax Quartet of Amsterdam, Arturo Tallini Guitar Soloist, World Saxophones Orch. of Brussels, Alea III of Boston, Kenny-Haratsaris-Witting Ens. of Edinburg, Lawrence Gwozdz Sax Soloist, Sax Chorus Ens., Elena Papandreou Guitar Soloist, Wurtemberg Zupforchester, Hessisches Zupforchester of Frankfurt, Trio Umbro di Sax, I Solisti di Roma, Ialsax quartet, Ensemble "Octandre" di bologna, L’Orch. della Città’ di Brescia, Ens. La Musica di roma, Trio Petrassi, Trio Chiaroscuro of Amsterdam, Duo Lombardi-Viti, Accoland Claudio Jacomucci, Duo Marcel & Sanda Spinei, Transcontinental Sax Q., Duo Arbonelli-De Filpo, Helikon Sax Quartet of Amsterdam, Quartetto "Bernini", Gli Armonici of Palermo, New Saxophone Q., Orchestra il Plettro of Brescia, Anaki Duo (Spain), Atef Halim (Japan), Pierp. Iacopini (Rome), Mas. Donninelli (Italia), Orchestra of Colours (Athens), Ensemble à Plectre (Luxembourg), Italian Modern Ensemble, Duo M. Carletti & C. Bonechi, The D’Amore Duo (U.S.A.), Georges Daravelis (Greece), Das Badische Zupforchester (Germany), Trio Polycordes (Francia), Orchestra "F. Busoni" of Trieste, Duo Carletti & Marino, Ivano Ascari, Duo Eggebrecht-Kupsa (Germany), Jon Burgess (Texas University USA), Stathis Mavrommatis (Greece), Duo Markus Leoson-Helen Jahren (Norway), Quartetto Auranova, Trio Bertrand (Spain), Duo M. Carla Notarstefano & P. Iacopini, Macedonian Saxquartet (Greece), Roma SinfoniettA, and many others...
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zo, 2011-02-06 08:22
Τάνια Σικελιανού Συνθέτρια
Αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι,
στο πλαίσιο της έρευνας και εργασίας που εκπονώ με τίτλο "An overview of Compositions created between 1980-2010 by Greek Composers" που ανήκει στο Advanced Master Soloist Contemporary Music (violin), του Παν/μίου της Γάνδη (Βέλγιο), στο οποίο φοιτώ από τον Σεπτ. 2010, σας παρακαλώ να μου στείλετε στην εξής δ/νση: Κuipersstraat 164Hs, 1073EV Amsterdam, έργα σας που απευθύνονται σε σόλο βιολί ή σύνολο έως 5 ατόμων και περιέχουν βιολί. Θα πρέπει να είστε γεννημένοι από το 1930 και μετά. Εάν διαθέτετε κάποιο οπτικοακουστικό υλικό των έργων σας, θα βοηθούσε πολύ εάν μου κάνατε ένα αντίγραφο. Στόχος της εργασίας μου είναι η προβολή Ελλήνων Συνθετών από το 1930 και μετά και, η δημιουργία μίας λίστας με τα έργα αυτά Τα έργα σας πρέπει να έχουν αποσταλεί το αργότερο έως τις 30 Iουνιου 2011
Για οποιαδήποτε απορία μη διστάσετε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μου στο τηλ. +31 621 931 571 και στο e-mail: sik_tania@hotmail.com
Με συναδερφικούς χαιρετισμούς,
Τάνια Σικελιανού