Liste des compositions
- Cantates — Abgrund thut sich auf (Der): 5 vozes-5 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Ach mein herzliebes Jesulein: 2 vozes-b.c.
- Cantates — Alleluja man singet mit freuden: 5 vozes-7 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Also hat Gott die welt geliebet: 5 vozes-8 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir: 4 vozes-5 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Barmherzig und gnädig ist der Herr: 5 vozes-5 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Beatus vir qui timet: 5 vozes-coro 5 vozes-7 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Christus, der ist mein leben: 5 vozes-9 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Das ist mir lieb: 5 vozes-4 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Die auf den Herren hoffen: 5 vozes-5 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe: 5 vozes-coro 5 vozes-8 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Erkenne deine missethat: 6 Sopranos-6 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Eructavit cor meum: 10 vozes-10 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Es ist genug, mein matter sinn: 2 vozes-8 instrumentos
- Cantates — Gerechte, ob er gleich (Der): à 8
- Cantates — Gesegnet ist der mann: 3 vozes-6 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Gott segne dies vertraute Paar: 5 vozes-11 instrumentos
- Cantates — Gott sei mir gnädig: 2 vozes-6 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Gott sende dein licht: 4 vozes-4 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Güte des Herrn ists (Die): 5 vozes-4 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Hemmt eure Thränenflut: 5 vozes-9 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Herr, deine augen sehen nach dem glauben: 5 vozes-7 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Herr, lehre uns bedenken: 3 vozes-3 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Herr, wie lange wiltu mein sogar vergessen: voz-5 instrumentos
- Cantates — Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn: 5 vozes-coro 5 vozes-5 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Ich hielte mich nicht dafür: 5 vozes-4 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Ich lebe, und ihr sollt auch leben: Bajo-8 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Ihr Christen freuet euch: 2 vozes-5 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — In dich hab ich gehoffet: 5 vozes-6 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Komm, Jesu komm
- Cantates — Liebe Gottes ist ausgegossen (Die): 5 vozes-6 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Lobe den herren meine seele: 10 vozes-16 instrumentos
- Cantates — Machet die tore weit: 4 vozes-coro 4 vozes-8 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Nun giebst du, Gott, einen gnädigen regen: 5 vozes-5 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Schaffe in mir Gott: 4 vozes-9 instrumentos
- Cantates — Segen des Herrn machet reich (Der): 5 vozes-5 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Siehe, es hat uberwünden: 4 vozes-coro 4 vozes-10 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Und da die tage ihrer reinigung: 5 vozes-12 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Uns ist ein kind geboren: 3 vozes-3 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Uns ist ein kind geboren: 5 vozes-7 instrumentos
- Cantates — Vom himmel kam der engel schar: 5 vozes-12 instrumentos
- Cantates — Was du thust, so bedenke: 4 vozes-4 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Wohl dem, der den herren fürchtet: 10 vozes-7 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — Wohl dem, der den herren fürchtet: Contralto-5 instrumentos-b.c.
- Cantates — a = Hyp 55373 • X042
- Cantates — Nun danket alle Gott: 5 vozes-4 instrumentos-b.c. • (1681)
- Cantates — Christus ist des gesetzes ende: à 8 • (1684)
Sheet music for Gesegnet ist der mann Schelle
Gesegnet, der da kommt - Gesehen haben wir das wahre Licht — Sergei Rachmaninoff
SAATTB choir, [piano for rehearsal only] — Full score —
Blagoslowen grjady i Widechom swet istinny. Composed by Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943). Edited by Albrecht Gaub. Gesegnet Der Da Kommt - Gesehen. Full score. Op. 31, No. 17. 2 pages. Carus Verlag #CV 23.013/85. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.2301385).
Price: $2.00
Now come, the nation's Saviour (Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland) — Johann Schelle
6 melody instruments — Full score — Instrumental music based on hymns, Advent
Composed by Johann Schelle and Martin Luther (1483-1546). Coppenrath series, Hymns by Martin Luther: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland. German title: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland. Instrumental music based on hymns, Advent. Full score. 4 pages. Carus Verlag #CV 13.012/00. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.1301200).
Price: $5.00
Now come, the nation's Saviour (Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland) — Johann Schelle
6 melody instruments — Single Part, String instrument — Instrumental music based on hymns, Advent
Composed by Johann Schelle and Martin Luther (1483-1546). Coppenrath series, Hymns by Martin Luther: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland. German title: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland. Instrumental music based on hymns, Advent. Single Part, String instrument. 2 pages. Carus Verlag #CV 13.012/11. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.1301211).
Price: $2.00
Gesegnet bist du, Jungfrau Maria — Karl Schmider
SAM choir — Full score — Sacred vocal music, Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Hymns in praise of the Virgin Mary
Composed by Karl Schmider. Coppenrath Series. German title: Gesegnet Bist, Jungfrau Maria 3103101. Sacred vocal music, Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Hymns in praise of the Virgin Mary. Full score. 2 pages. Carus Verlag #CV 91.651/00. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.9165100).
Price: $1.00
Now come, the nation's Saviour (Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland) — Johann Schelle
6 melody instruments — Set of Orchestra Parts — Instrumental music based on hymns, Advent
Composed by Johann Schelle and Martin Luther (1483-1546). Coppenrath series, Hymns by Martin Luther: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland. Complete orchestral parts. Instrumental music based on hymns, Advent. Set of Orchestra Parts. Carus Verlag #CV 13.012/19. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.1301219).
Price: $26.00
Symphony No. 2 Tor Mann — Mann; Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra
— listening CD —
By Mann; Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra. By Wilhelm Stenhammar. Listening CD. Published by Naxos (NX.SCD1014).
Price: $18.00
The Goda Suite — Sylvia Lee Mann, ASCAP
Flute,Viola,Hand Percussion,Harp,flute,viola,harp & percussion* (Bodhran & Zils),*viola part may be performed on any "lead" instrument (alternate parts included),harp part may be performed on piano,zils part may be performed on triangle. — Score,Set of Parts — 21st Century,Spiritual,Celtic,Recital,New Age
Composed by Sylvia Lee Mann, ASCAP. 21st Century, Spiritual, Celtic, Recital, New Age. Score, Set of Parts. 90 pages. Published by Sylvia Lee Mann (S0.237165).
Price: $25.00
Ancient Odyssey — Sylvia Lee Mann, ASCAP
Flute,Clarinet,Bassoon,Violin,Viola,Cello,Double Bass,Flute,Clarinet,Bassoon,with string quintet or string orchestra — Score,Set of Parts — Contemporary Classical,Repertoire,Celtic
Composed by Sylvia Lee Mann, ASCAP. Contemporary Classical, Repertoire, Celtic. Score, Set of Parts. 90 pages. Published by Sylvia Lee Mann (S0.237195).
Price: $50.00
Suite of the Homeward Path — Sylvia Lee Mann, ASCAP
Flute,Viola,Cello,Double Bass,Hand Percussion,Harp,Flute,Viola,Cello or Bass,Harp,Celtic Hand Percussion — Score,Set of Parts — Contemporary Classical,Repertoire,Celtic,New Age
Composed by Sylvia Lee Mann, ASCAP. Contemporary Classical, Repertoire, Celtic, New Age. Score, Set of Parts. 83 pages. Published by Sylvia Lee Mann (S0.237217).
Price: $25.00
Suite of the Blessing Moon — Sylvia Lee Mann, ASCAP
Viola,Harp,Viola and harp,with additional arrangement of one movement "Serenity" for Violin,Viola & Harp (or Two Instruments and Harp or Piano)Ôªø — Score,Set of Parts — Contemporary Classical,Repertoire,Celtic
Composed by Sylvia Lee Mann, ASCAP. Contemporary Classical, Repertoire, Celtic. Score, Set of Parts. 72 pages. Published by Sylvia Lee Mann (S0.237231).
Price: $25.00