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How can you update this website?
Before you add new content, please first carefully check if it does not yet exist on the website. I will delete duplicate composer or composition entries! You may want to edit existing content. If you do not have permission to edit the content you want, then please let me know via the contact form.
If you are a composer yourself, do not add your information on this account page, but on your own composer page. If it does not already exist on this site (check first!), you can create your own composer page here: Add a composer to the website. From your composer page you can then also start adding your compositions.
If you want to be able to edit any composer or composition page on this site, then please let me know, explaining me why you are the right person for this (contact form).
Edit pages
If you want to edit a page, you must be logged in on the website, and you must have permission to edit that type of page. If that is the case, you must go to the page you want to edit, and then click the "Edit" tab near the top of the page. Then you will get a form where you can edit the information. WARNING: please notice that the website is in several languages; check that you are editing the correct language. After you have done editing, click the save button near the bottom of the page.