
Compositeurs: alphabétique (H)

Select the first letter of the family name of a composer.

A (1381) | B (2907) | C (2142) | D (1881) | E (557) | F (1281) | G (1815) | H (1636) | I (168) | J (531) | K (1377) | L (1634) | M (2232) | N (595) | O (382) | P (1750) | Q (63) | R (1545) | S (2695) | T (989) | U (114) | V (965) | W (975) | X (14) | Y (107) | Z (350)
Herman Elias (? - ?)
Hermann Matthias (? - ?)
Hermann Johann David (1760 1846)
Hermann Friedrich (1828 1907)
Hermann A.R. (? - ?)
Hermann (? - ?)
Hermann Alphonse (? - ?)
Hermann Gottfried (? - ?)
Hermann L. (? - ?)
Hermann E. Hans G. (1870 1932)
Hermann J. (? - ?)
Hermann Robert (1869 1912)
Hermann Ralph, Richard (1914 1994)
Hermann Zenta Augusta (Mary Anne) (1847 1903) Augusta Holmès
Hermannus de Atrio (? 1400)
Hermans Henri, Jan Hendrik (1883 1947)
Hermanson Åke (1923 1996)
Hermant Pierre (1869 1928)
Hermoso (? - ?)
Hernandez Juan de (1881 1945)
Hernández Francisco Cristancho (1941 2023)
Hernández González Isidoro (1847 1888)
Hernández Gonzalo Gisela (1912 1971)
Hernández Moncada Eduardo (1899 1995)
Hernandez Salces Pablo (1834 1910)
Hernando y Palomar Rafael (1822 1888)
Hernried Robert (1883 1951)
Herold François Joseph (1755 1802)
Herold Rudolf (1893 1982) Rudolf Herold
Herold Johannes (1550 1603)
Hérold Ferdinand (1791 1833) Image for Ferdinand Hérold
Heron Henry (1730 1795)
Heroux Franz (1760 1814)
Herpin (? - ?)
Herpol Homer (1520 1573)
Herprech (? - ?)
Herpreck V. (? - ?)
Herra-Rodriguez Luis Diego (1952 - ?)
Herrando Joseph (1700 1765)
Herrer Michael (1576 1609)
Herrera Hilda (1933 - ?) Hilda Herrera
Herrera Juan de (1665 1738)
Herrera Tomas de (? - ?)
Herrera Altuna Félix, Félix Rafael (1921 1998)
Herrin und Gräfin von Stubenberg Maria Anna (1821 1912)
Herrington Brian P. (1976 - ?)
Herrmann Eduard Emil (1850 1937)
Herrmann Gottfried (1808 1878) Gottfried Herrmann
Herrmann Keith (1952 2021)
Herrmann Karl (1882 1973)
Herrmann Peter (1941 2015)
Herrmann Willy (1868 - ?)
Herrmann Hugo (1896 1967)
Herrmann Jakob, J. Z. (1803 1865)
Herrmann Bernard (1911 1975) Image for Bernard Herrmann
Hersant Philippe (1948 - ?)
Hersch Fred (1955 - ?) Fred Hersch
Hersch Michael Nathaniel (1971 - ?)
Herschel Heinrich Anton Jacob (1734 1792)
Herschel Frederick William, Friedrich Wilhelm (1738 1822) Willim Herschel
Herscher-Clement Jeanne (1878 1941)
Hershey Sharon (1964 - ?)
Hert (? - ?)
Hertel Johann Wilhelm (1727 1789) Image for Johann Wilhelm Hertel
Hertel Johann Christian (1699 1754)
Hertel Jakob Christian (1667 1726)
Hertel-Aas Halbjan (1971 1991)
Hertz Michal (1844 1918)
Hertzberg David (1990 - ?)
Herve Jean Luc (1960 - ?)
Herve Antoine (? - ?)
Herve Florimond Ronger dit (1825 1892)
Hervey F.A.J. (? - ?)
Hervey Arthur (1855 1922)
Herwig Christian (? - ?)
Herz Jacques Simon, Jacob-Simon (1794 1880) Jacques Simon Herz
Herz Henri, Heinrich (1803 1888) Henri Herz
Herzig Franz (1866 - ?)
Herzog Johann Georg (1822 1909)
Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha Ernst (Ernest) II (1818 1893)
Herzogenberg Elisabeth von (1847 1891)
Hesdin Jacques de (? - ?)
Hesdin Nicolle des Celliers de (? 1538)
Heseltine James (1692 1763)
Hesketh Kenneth (1968 - ?) Kenneth Hesketh
Hespe George (1900 1979)
Hespos Hans-Joachim (1938 2022) Image for Hans-Joachim Hespos
Hess Carl (1859 1912)
Hess (? - ?)
Hess Nigel (? - ?)
Hess Ernst (1912 1968)
Hess Willy (1906 1997)
Hess Charles Marie Léon (1844 1926)
Hesse Landgrave de (? - ?)
Hesse Adolf Friedrich (1809 1863) Adolph Hesse
Hesse Ernst Christian (1676 1762)
Hesse Johann Heinrich (1712 1778)
Hesse Ludwig Christian (1716 1772)
Hesse Alexandre Friedrich (1863 1945)
Hesse Lutz Werner (1955 - ?)
Hesselberg Eyvind (1898 1986)
Hessenberg Kurt (1908 1994)
Hetsch Ludwig Friedrich (1806 1872)
Hétu Jacques (1938 2010) Image for Jacques Hétu
Hetzel (? - ?)
Heuberger Richard (1850 1914)
Heubner Konrad (1860 1905)
Heucke Stefan (1959 - ?)
Heudelinne Louis (? - ?)
Heudier Antoine François (1782 - ?)
Heugel Johannes (1500 1585)
Heupel Michael (? - ?)
Heurich Winfried (1940 - ?)
Heuschkel Johann Peter (1773 1853)
Heuser Ernst (? - ?)
Heutschel Theodor (? - ?)
Heuzenroeder Moritz (1849 1897)
Heward Leslie (1897 1943) Leslie Heward
Hewitt Thomas J. (1880 1948)
Hewitt James (1770 1827)
Hewitt John Hill (1801 1890) John Hill Hewitt
Hewitt-Jones Anita (1926 2007)
Hewitt-Jones Thomas (1984 - ?)
Hewson David (? - ?)
Hewson George (1881 1972)
Hey Julius (1832 1909)
Heyberger Josef (? - ?)
Heybourne Ferdinando (1558 1618)
Heyden Sebald (1499 1561)
Heydrich Bruno (? - ?)
Heykens Jonny (1884 1945)
Heymann Werner Richard (1896 1961)
Heyn Volker (1938 - ?)
Heyne Joe (? 1978)
Heyns Cornelius (? - ?)
Heyse Paul (? - ?)
Heywood John (1497 1579)
Hibbard William Alden (1939 1989)
Hickey Sean (1970 - ?)
Hickman Murray (? - ?)
Hickmann Hans Robert Hermann (1908 1968)
Hickmann Esaias (1638 1691)
Hicks J.W. (? - ?)
Hidalgo Manuel (1956 - ?)
Hidalgo Guttiere Fernandez (1553 1620)
Hidalgo Codorniu Juan (1927 2018)
Hidalgo de Polanco Juan (1614 1685)
Hidas Frigyes (1928 2007) Frigyes Hidas
Hier Ethel Glenn (1899 1971)
Higdon Jennifer (1962 - ?)
Higginson Gary (1952 - ?)
Hignard Jean-Louis Aristide (1822 1898) Aristide Hignard
Higo Ichiro (1940 - ?)
Hijleh Mark (1963 - ?)
Hijmans Olivier (1976 - ?)
Hilaire Daleo (? - ?)
Hilario Alan (1967 - ?) Alan Hilario
Hilber Johann Baptist (1891 1973) Johann Baptist Hilber
Hildach Eugen (1849 1924)
Hildebrand Johann (1614 1684)
Hildebrandt Ulrich (? - ?)
Hildegard Hildegard (1098 1179) Image for Hildegard von Bingen
Hiles Henry (1826 1904)
Hill Wilhelm (1838 1902)
Hill Mirrie (1889 1986) Mirrie Hill
Hill Claude (1870 1956)
Hill Edward Burlingame (1872 1960)
Hill Roger (? 1674)
Hill Ureli Corelli (1802 1875) Ureli Corelli Hill
Hill Uri Keeler (1780 1844)
Hill Noel, Reginald Moxon, Stanley (1898 1954) Noel Gay
Hill David (1957 - ?)
Hill Douglas (1946 - ?)
Hill Mildred Jane (1859 1916)
Hill Robin (1953 - ?)
Hill Frank (1957 - ?) Image for Frank Hill
Hill Ronald (1953 - ?)
Hill Alfred (1870 1960)
Hill-Handley Delphine, Adolphine (1814 1887) Delphine von Schauroth
Hillanis Johannes (1460 1518)
Hillborg Per Anders (1954 - ?)
Hillemacher Paul Joseph Guillaume (1852 1933)
Hillemacher Lucien Joseph Edouard (1860 1909)
Hillemacher Paul et Lucien (? - ?)
Hiller Ferdinand (1811 1885)
Hiller Lejaren (1924 1994)
Hiller Friedrich Adam (1767 1812)
Hiller Johann Adam (1728 1804) Image for Johann Adam Hiller
Hiller Wilfried (1941 - ?)
Hiller Hans (1873 1938)
Hilliard John S. (1947 2019)
Hillier Louis (? - ?)
Hillier Paul (? - ?)
Hillmann Karl (? - ?)
Hilmar František Matěj (1803 1881) František Matěj Hilmar
Hilpipre Gérard (1959 - ?)
Hilprecht Uwe (1939 - ?)
Hilse B. (? - ?)
