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Carl Nielsen
Carl | Nielsen |
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Liste des compositions
Musica lirica
Musica sinfonica
Musica strumentale
Musica da camera
Musica vocale
Musica sacra
Musica concertante
Compositions sorted on opus (if available)
. 11a
59 numéros
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Sheet music for Carl Nielsen
Nielsen - Concerto For Flute/Piano — Carl August Nielsen
Flute, Piano — —
Flute and Piano Reduction. Composed by Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931). Woodwind, Repertoire, Solos. Nielsen - Concerto for Flute and Orchestra. Edition Wilhelm Hansen #WH30697. Published by Edition Wilhelm Hansen (HU.WH30697).
Price: $41.00
Elisabeth Nielsen Piano — Elisabeth Nielsen
— CD — Classical
By Elisabeth Nielsen. By Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), Robert Schumann, and Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931). Classical. CD. Naxos #DACOCD 785. Published by Naxos (NX.DACOCD-785).
Price: $16.00
Symphony No.5 Op.50 — Carl August Nielsen
Orchestra — Study Score — Classical
Composed by Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931). Carl Nielsen Collected Works. Classical. Study Score. 164 pages. Edition Wilhelm Hansen #WH30572B. Published by Edition Wilhelm Hansen (HL.14022946).
Price: $37.00
Songs Volume 1: Nos. 1-144 Score — Carl August Nielsen
— Hardcover — Classical
Carl Nielsen Collected Works Section III: Vol. 4. Composed by Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931). Music Sales America. Classical. Hardcover. 248 pages. Edition Wilhelm Hansen #CN00048. Published by Edition Wilhelm Hansen (HL.14037628).
Price: $111.00
Songs Volume 2: Nos. 145-292 Score — Carl August Nielsen
— Hardcover — Classical
Carl Nielsen Collected Works Section III: Vol. 5. Composed by Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931). Music Sales America. Classical. Hardcover. 242 pages. Edition Wilhelm Hansen #CN00049. Published by Edition Wilhelm Hansen (HL.14037629).
Price: $103.00
Concerto For Flute And Orchestra — Carl August Nielsen
Flute and Piano — Book Only — Classical
Flute and Piano Reduction. Composed by Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931). Carl Nielsen Collected Works. Classical. Book Only. 112 pages. Edition Wilhelm Hansen #MUSWH30697. Published by Edition Wilhelm Hansen (HL.14022833).
Price: $44.00
Fantasiestucke fur Oboe — Carl August Nielsen
oboe & piano — parts —
Composed by Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931) and Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931). This edition: pamphlet. Parts. Published by Library Commerce (LC.39087004903672).
Price: $8.00
5 Klavierstucke : Op. 3 — Carl August Nielsen
piano — —
Composed by Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931) and Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931). This edition: pamphlet. Published by Library Commerce (LC.39087012751543).
Price: $6.00
Concerto For Violin And Orchestra Op.33 — Carl August Nielsen
Violin and Piano — Piano Reduction — Classical
Violin and Piano Reduction. Composed by Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931). Carl Nielsen Collected Works. Classical. Piano Reduction. Composed 2004. 59 pages. Edition Wilhelm Hansen #WH30816. Published by Edition Wilhelm Hansen (HL.14022834).
Price: $49.00
Kleine Suite, fur Saiteninstrumente — Carl August Nielsen
string quintet — score and parts —
Composed by Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931) and Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931). This edition: pamphlet. Score and parts. Published by Library Commerce (LC.39087009530843).
Price: $15.00
(Contributed by Søren Roug <smr@dc.dk>)
The son of a humble artisan, Nielsen was enabled by the help of friends to study at the Copenhagen Conservatory, and from his mid-twenties he was for fifteen years a second violinist in the Royal Orchestra, which introduced his First Symphony in 1892. This was to some extent influenced by Brahms but was nevertheless already a very personal work, embodying a tug-of-war between two keys which was to become habitual with him. He began to conduct his own works -- his now popular Second Symphony ("The Four Temperaments") in 1901. These temperaments are primarily concerned with human beings and their condition. They depict divergent personalities of the players for whom he wrote it. All Nielsen’s six symphonies should not be regarded as in any sense programmatic.
It was only after his post at the Royal Orchestra that he was able to give himself more fully to composition. "Music, like life is inextinguishable", he declared, and this characteristically vigorous and positive attitude, besides giving the Fourth Symphony its title, imbues most of his work, in which a quirky sense of the grotesque is often to be founded. In the Flute Concerto, for example, the soloist is teased by vulgar intrusions by the bass trombone; the sterner Clarinet Concerto is all but disrupted by a freely aggressive side drum. This gratuitous introduction of an element of struggle is seen at its most violent in the Fourth Symphony, in whose finale two sets of timpani fight out a duel, and the two movement Fifth Symphony, whose existence at one point seems threatened by a militant side drum; but another aspect of it is the progressive tonality (an initial key being overcome by another) which Nielsen favoured.
Prémières pour Carl Nielsen
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Anonimo (non verificato)
Mer, 2009-05-13 04:44
Collegamento permanente
Symphony No 1, Carl Nielson
This symphony is a must to be heard. There is great imagination and a well balanced use of the whole orchestra. With splatters of humour and a diverse harmonic coloring, Nielson creates his own style from the word 'go'.