

About the Musicatlas

Welcome to this unique collection of maps (see below), completely dedicated to everything related to classical composers and their music. Follow the footsteps of your favorite composer, or find out about composer memorabilia in a certain city or country. Besides, many theaters, concert halls, museums, musical institutions and nice organs are mentioned.

This project started in November 2008 with Hungary. Later more countries, like Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and France, were added. More countries will follow after these. The maps of Great Britain and Ireland have many unverified data.

Almost all the information here was carefully collected and described by musicologist Ed Tervooren, who traveled all over Europe for this. He also took many photographs, which you can see here too. There are also some contributions by others.

Note: The research for the MusicAtlas continues and new items will be added again and again, but inevitably there will still be gaps. Therefore additions and corrections by the visitors of this site are indispensable and will be welcomed gratefully.

You can use the contact form for your reaction or questions.

Recent changes

13, rue de Berne Maison fermée

Fauré, Messager

Map: France: 3 Paris Ouest
22 rue Anjou Maison fermée


Map: France: 3 Paris Ouest
hotel Bedford Villa-Lobos plaque Hotel Bedford plaque Plaque


Map: France: 3 Paris Ouest
place Brazzaville Monument


Map: France: 2 Paris Sud
15, avenue du Maine Plaque


Map: France: 2 Paris Sud
5, rue Valentin-Haûy Prokofiev house Maison fermée, Plaque


Map: France: 2 Paris Sud
230, bd. Raspail Maison fermée


Map: France: 2 Paris Sud
6, rue Huyghens Courtyard first meeting "Groupe des Six"

Groupe des Six

Map: France: 2 Paris Sud
11bis rue Delambre Bohuslav Martinů house Maison fermée


Map: France: 2 Paris Sud
Cimetière Montparnasse César Franck grave Camille Saint-Saëns grave Camille Saint-Saëns grave Tombes

Graves var. composers

Map: France: 2 Paris Sud
13, rue Monsieur Cole Porter house Maison fermée

Cole Porter

Map: France: 2 Paris Sud
21, quai Voltaire Wagner, Sibelius, Wilde plaque Plaque

Wagner, Sibelius

Map: France: 2 Paris Sud
7, avenue de Villars plaques d'Indy and Duparc Maison fermée, Plaque

D'Indy, Duparc

Map: France: 2 Paris Sud
59, rue de Varennes Maison fermée, Plaque


Map: France: 2 Paris Sud
54, rue Vanneau Maison fermée, Plaque


Map: France: 2 Paris Sud
243, bd. Saint-Germain Pauline Viardot-Garcia plaque Maison fermée, Plaque


Map: France: 2 Paris Sud
église Sainte Clotilde Orgue, Plaque

Franck a.o. -

Map: France: 2 Paris Sud
