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Alexander von Zemlinsky
Alexander | von Zemlinsky |
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Liste des compositions
Musica lirica
Musica da camera
Musica sinfonica
Musica strumentale
Musica vocale
Musica sacra
Compositions sorted on opus (if available)
27 numéros
Op. 1
Op. 2
Op. 3
Op. 4
Op. 5
Op. 6
Op. 7
Op. 8
Op. 9
Op. 10
Op. 13
Op. 14A
Op. 14B
Op. 15
Op. 16
Op. 17
Op. 18
Op. 19
Op. 20
Op. 22
Op. 23
Op. 24
Op. 25
Op. 27
Sheet music for Alexander von Zemlinsky
Three songs : for voice and piano — Alexander von Zemlinsky
voice and piano — —
Composed by Alexander von Zemlinsky (1871-1942) and Alexander Von zemlinsky (1871-1942). Vocal music. With Language: English. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.26455).
Price: $14.00
Die Seejungfrau / Symphony in D — Alexander von Zemlinsky
— super audio listening CD —
Composed by Alexander von Zemlinsky (1871-1942) and Alexander Von zemlinsky (1871-1942). Super audio listening CD. Published by Chandos (NX.CHSA-5022).
Price: $19.00
Zemlinsky A. Von: Symphonisch — Gerd Albrecht; Franz Grundheber; Hamburg Philharmonic Orchestra
— listening CD —
By Gerd Albrecht; Franz Grundheber; Hamburg Philharmonic Orchestra. By Alexander von Zemlinsky (1871-1942) and Alexander Von zemlinsky (1871-1942). Listening CD. Published by Capriccio (NX.C10448).
Price: $16.00
A. Von Zemlinsky: Symphony No — Antony Beaumont; Roland Hermann; Edith Mathis; North German Radio Chorus; North German Radio Symphony Orchestra
— listening CD —
By Antony Beaumont; Roland Hermann; Edith Mathis; North German Radio Chorus; North German Radio Symphony Orchestra. By Alexander von Zemlinsky (1871-1942) and Alexander Von zemlinsky (1871-1942). Listening CD. Published by Capriccio (NX.C10740).
Price: $16.00
Zemlinsky: Traumgorge — Alexander Von zemlinsky
— CD — Classical
Composed by Alexander Von zemlinsky (1871-1942). Classical, Orchestral. Classical. CD. Capriccio #C5395. Published by Capriccio (NX.C5395).
Price: $16.00
Alexander Zemlinsky - Two Movements for String Quartet — Alexander Zemlinsky
String Quartet — — Classical
Set of Parts. Composed by Alexander Zemlinsky. Ensemble. Classical. 26 pages. Ricordi #SY5015/05. Published by Ricordi (HL.50484937).
Price: $48.00
Sechste Symphonie fur grosses Orchester ; Clavier-Auszug fur 4 Hande von A. Zemlinsky — Gustav Mahler
piano, 4 hands — —
Composed by Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) and Gustav Mahler (1860-1911). Arranged by Alexander Zemlinsky and Alexander Zemlinsky. This edition: spiral bound. Published by Library Commerce (LC.39087017291404).
Price: $21.00
Fantasien uber Gedichte von Richard Dehmel op. 9 — Alexander von Zemlinsky
piano — —
Composed by Alexander von Zemlinsky (1871-1942). Op. 9. 11 pages pages. Doblinger Music Publishers #01-00590. Published by Doblinger Music Publishers (DB.01-00590).
Price: $20.00
4 Fantasien uber Gedichte von R. Dehmel — Alexander von Zemlinsky
clarinet and piano — —
Composed by Alexander von Zemlinsky (1871-1942). Arranged by James Breed. Woodwind music. Op. 9. Doblinger Music Publishers #05-00390. Published by Doblinger Music Publishers (DB.05-00390).
Price: $25.00
Lyrische Symphonie — Alexander von Zemlinsky
baritone voice Orchestra Bells, soprano voice — full score (miniature score) —
In sieben Gesangen nach Gedichten von Rabindranath Tagore. Composed by Alexander von Zemlinsky (1871-1942). The New Study Score Series. Full score (miniature score). With Standard notation. Opus 18. Universal Edition #UE034128. Published by Universal Edition (PR.UE034128).
Price: $71.00
Although Zemlinsky began in a late-Romantic vein, developing to a rich,
post-Mahlerian expanded tonality, in the later 1920s and 1930s he adopted
aspects of the dissonant neoclassical ‘Neue Sachlichkeit’ style. Despite his
closeness to the Schoenberg circle he never adopted the 12-note method; indeed
he and Schoenberg disagreed profoundly about it, though each continued to
admire the other as a great artist.
Zemlinsky was above all a man of the theatre, and his most important music is
to be found in his operas. He also wrote some significant orchestral works,
some fine chamber music and many excellent songs.
- Sarema (1893-5, produced Munich 1897)
- Es war einmal (1897-9, produced Vienna 1900: it is sometimes said an orchestral interlude in this work was composed by Mahler, who conducted the premiere, but it was written by Z. at Mahler’s request)
- Der Traumgörge (1904-6, scheduled to be premiered in Vienna by Mahler; after Mahler’s resignation Felix Weingartner reneged on the commitment; finally premiered in truncated form, Nuremberg, 1980)
- "Kleider machen Leute" (First version: 1907-1909, produced at the Vienna "Volksoper" 1910; second version: 1921-22, produced Prague 1922)
- Eine Florentinische Tragödie (1915-16, produced Stuttgart 1917)
- Der Zwerg (1919-1921, produced Cologne 1922)
- Der Kreidekreis (1930-32, produced Zurich 1933)
- Der König Kandaules (1935-6, orchestration left incomplete, completed by Antony Beaumont 1992-5)
Main orchestral works
- Symphony in D minor (1892: usually called No.1 but actually No.2 - an earlier Symphony in E minor survives incomplete)
- Symphony in B flat (1897: usually called No.2 but actually No.3)
- Die Seejungfrau, symphonic poem after Hans Christian Andersen (1902-3)
- Lyrische Symphonie on poems of Tagore (1922-3: actually Symphony No.4)
- Sinfonietta (1934)
Main chamber works
- Clarinet Trio (1896)
- String Quartet No.1 in A (1896)
- String Quartet No.2 (1913-15)
- String Quartet No.3 (1924)
- String Quartet No.4 (Suite) (1936)
Principal choral and vocal works
- Fr&uunl;hlingsbegräbnis, cantata (composed 1896 in memory of Brahms, orchestrated 1897, revised an re-orchestrated 1903)
- Psalm 83 for chorus and orchestra (1900)
- Psalm 23 for chorus and orchestra (1910)
- 6 Maeterlinck Gesange for voice and orchestra (1910-13)
- Symphonische Gesange for voice and orchestra on Black American lyrics (1929)
- Psalm 13 for chorus and orchestra (1935)
(Contribution by Malcolm MacDonald <macval@compuserve.com>)
Songs by Zemlinsky (Hermine Haselböck, mezzosoprano; Florian Henschel, piano) have been released at Pan Classics.
MP3 samples and the comnplete list of the Lieder you can listen on the website http"//www.hermine-haselboeck.com.
Alexander von Zemlinsky - (Tsem-linss-kee) - an Austrian born
. His father, born in Vienna of Slovakian Catholic descent, converted to Judaism in 1870; his mother, born in Sarajevo, was the daughter of a mixed Sephardi-Muslim marriage. Born in Vienna and studied music at the Vienna
Conservatory. At the turn of the century, he secured a conducting post
at the Carltheater in Vienna. He was also a very successful conductor
of the Vienna Volksoper, the Vienna Opera,
Kroll Opera and the Prague German Opera. He was admired and
encouraged by Brahms, particularly with his chamber works and also to
some extent by Mahler. Zemlinsky taught composition at the Prague
College of Music. His style reflects late romanticism, this is evident
in his several symphonies.
Amongst Zemlinsky’s students, was Alma Mahler and Arnold Schoenberg, who
later married Zemlinsky’s sister.
His works include operas, chamber music, songs, choruses, symphonies and piano
pieces. The composition "Ein Tanzpoem", a work for orchestra, is typical
of his late romantic style.
Zemlinsky emigrated to the United States in 1938 and died in Larchmont New York in March of 1942.
(contribution by Mike Shakinovsky <usonic@yahoo.com>)
Apart from Alma Mahler, his most famous pupil was Erich Wolfgang Korngold. In
the early 1920s in Prague he was very helpful to Viktor Ullmann and Hanns
Eisler. He was the dedicatee of Alban Berg’s ‘Lyric Suite’, which quotes from
Zemlinsky’s ‘Lyric Symphony’, probably his most famous work.
(Contribution by Malcolm MacDonald <macval@compuserve.com>)
[in Dutch]
Zemlinsky studeerde van 1890 tot 1892 aan het conservatorium van Wenen, waar hij later aan de diverse theaters ook dirigeerde. In 1911 werd hij directeur van het Deutsches Landestheater in Praag en in 1920 compositieleraar aan de Deutsche Musikakademie aldaar. Van 1927 tot 1930 dirigeerde hij aan de Berlijnse Kroll-Oper en van 1930 tot 1933 was hij gastdirigent bij de Berlijnse Staatsopera.
In 1938 emigreerde hij naar de Verenigde Staten, waar hij in 1942 overleed.
Zemlinsky had als dirigent grote bewondering voor Brahms en Mahler en schreef zelf overwegend laat-romantische muziek.
Zijn oeuvre omvat een aantal opera’s, orkest- en koorwerken, kamermuziek en liederen.
Onder zijn leerlingen o.a. Alma Mahler en Arnold Schönberg, die later met Zemlinsky’s zuster Mathilde huwde (1901).
(contribution by Robbert Muuse <robbertmuuse@hotmail.com>)
Prémières pour Alexander von Zemlinsky
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