
Martin Böttcher to receive life-time award

Mercoledì, Maggio 4, 2016 - 08:11
Composer reference: 
Martin Böttcher
Martin Böttcher

The German film music composer Martin Böttcher will receive the eighth Deutschen Musikautorenpreises (German Music Author Prize) in the category "life-time achievement". Böttcher gets the award on the 12th of May in Berlin for "his wonderful and timeless film music".

Martin Böttcher wrote the music for many classical German films, like "Winnitou", "Old Shatterhand", and "Die Halbstarken".

The Prize is awarded by GEMA, the German music copyright organization.

Source: https://www.gema.de/aktuelles/deutscher_musikautorenpreis_2016_martin_bo...

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