
Premieres today

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1783) 242 anni fa
Premiere of the piano concerto in C major KV 387b, in Vienna, Austria, with Mozart at the piano.
Franz Liszt (1857) 168 anni fa
Premiere of the piano sonata in b minor, in Berlin, Germany.
Johannes Brahms, Joseph Joachim (1859) 166 anni fa
Premiere of Brahms's piano concerto no. 1 in d minor op. 15, in Hannover, Germany, with Brahms at the piano and Joachim conducting.
Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij, Ciajkovskij (1868) 157 anni fa
Premiere of Symphony no. 1 in g minor op. 13 “Winter dreams”, in Moscow, Russia.
Gustav Mahler, Alexander von Zemlinsky (1900) 125 anni fa
Premiere of Zemlinsky's Es War Einmahl, in Vienna, Austria, with Mahler conducting.
Dmitrij Šostakovič (1934) 91 anni fa
Premiere of Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, in St. Petersburg (Leningrad), Russia.