
Composers without date of death

Below is a list of composers born more than 80 years ago, but without a date of death. Of course these composers may very well still be alive, but this list may be helpful for finding incomplete data on this site. Let me know if you can complete any information.

Jon Asgeirsson 1928 Islande
Atiliano Auza 1928 Bolivie
Du Mingxin 1928 Chine
Thomas Jefferson Anderson 1928 Etats-Unis
Nadezda Mosousova 1928 Serbie
George Dreyfus 1928 Australie, Allemagne
Robert Washburn 1928 Etats-Unis
Richard M. Sherman 1928 Etats-Unis
Charles Strouse 1928 Etats-Unis
Thea Musgrave 1928 Ecosse
Valentin Gheorghiu 1928 Roumanie
Carl (Karl) Boehm 1928 Allemagne
Samuel Adler 1928 Allemagne
Aldonis Kalnins 1928 Lettonie
Juan Allende-Blin 1928 Chili
Valentin Panomarenko 1928 Ukraine
François Pantillon 1928 Suisse
Beverly Grigsby 1928 Etats-Unis
Harold Schiffman 1928 Etats-Unis
Donald Cochrane 1928 Canada
Roberto Sanchez Ferrer 1927 Cuba
Guy Morancon 1927 France
Martial Solal 1927 France
Williametta Spencer 1927 Etats-Unis
Gunnar Bucht 1927 Suède
Serge Baudo 1927 France
Geoffrey Kimpton 1927 Angleterre
Pavel Stanek 1927 Tchécoslovaquie
Bernhard Lewkovitch 1927 Danemark
Ladislav Burlas 1927 Tchécoslovaquie
Robert Armstrong 1927 Angleterre
Janos Decsenyi 1927 Hongrie
John Harold Kander 1927 Etats-Unis
Richard Hyman 1927 Etats-Unis
Frank Campo 1927 Etats-Unis
Theldon Myers 1927 Etats-Unis
Tzvi Avni 1927 Israël, Allemagne
Emma Lou Diemer 1927 Etats-Unis
René Jannone 1927 France
Lise Deckert 1927 Danemark
Etienne Gilbert 1927 Belgique
Augusto Rattembach 1927 Argentine
Laurence Rosenthal 1926 Etats-Unis
Janetta Gould 1926 Ecosse
Betsy Jolas 1926 France
Karl Kohn 1926 Autriche, Etats-Unis
Zhun Huang 1926 Chine
Mordechal Rechtman 1926 Israël, Allemagne
Celso Garrido Lecca 1926 Pérou
Jon Nordal 1926 Islande
