
BACH COUSINS: Luminous Dynasty

Samedi, Mars 5, 2022 - 19:30 - 21:00

Early Music Foundation

Early Music New York
Frederick Renz, Director

Luminous Dynasty

Baroque Brio with the Bach Family!
Early Music New York (EM/NY) continues its 47th anniversary season with a program of baroque works by several outstanding predecessors and contemporaries of the Bach family’s most famous scion, Johann Sebastian, who also will be represented. Sonatas, suites, sinfonias and cantatas for chamber ensemble by three generations of Bachs.

Saturday, March 5 at 7:30 pm
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Central Park West at 68th Street, NYC

Program to include

Heinrich Bach (1615 – 1692)
Sonata in F major (before 1662)

Johann Michael Bach (1648 – 1694)
Sonata in G minor

Johann Christoph Bach (1642/3 – 1703)
*Lamento – Ach, dass ich Wassers gnug hätte

Johann Ludwig Bach (1677 – 1731)
Ouverture in G major (1715)

Johann Bernhard Bach (1676 – 1749)
Ouverture No. 3 in E minor

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
*Cantata No. 54, Widerstehe doch der Sünde, BWV 54 (1714)
Sinfonias from the Cantatas

*With Daniel Moody, countertenor

(program subject to change)

$40.00 reserved seats
$20.00 student (w/valid ID, available at door, day of)

Tickets available by phone (212-280-0330), on-line (www.EarlyMusicNY.org) and at the door, half an hour prior to performance. Group discounts available by telephone. All major credit cards accepted.

Event place: 
First Church of Christ, Scientist, New York, NY USA

Sheet Music Plus Classical