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Sylvius Leopold Weiss
Sylvius Leopold | Weiss |
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Liste des compositions
Musique de chambre
Musique instrumentale
Musique concertante
Sheet music for Sylvius Leopold Weiss
Sonata IX in C Major for Guitar by Sylvius Weiss — Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687‚Äì1750)
Guitar — — Baroque Period
Composed by Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687–1750). Arranged by Bradford Werner. Baroque Period. 33 pages. Published by This is Classical Guitar (S0.663889).
Price: $9.00
Weiss for Guitar — Sylvius Leopold Weiss
guitar — Sheet Music —
Composed by Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1686-1750). Arranged by Richard Wright / Peter Batchelar. ABRSM Publications. Sheet Music. 24 pages. ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) #9781860969492. Published by ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) (A3.9781860969492).
Price: $18.00
6 Lute Sonatas from the Dresden Manuscript for Solo Classical Guitar — Sylvius Leopold Weiss
Classical Guitar — Book — baroque
Composed by Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1686-1750). Arranged by Richard Sayage. Savage Classical Guitar Virtuoso Editions. Compilation of 6 Lute Sonatas from the Dresden MS of SL Weiss. Baroque. Book. With Standard. Published by Savage Classical Guitar Transcriptions (SJ.SCGT-0991).
Price: $39.00
6 Lute Sonatas from the London Manuscript for Solo Classical Guitar — Sylvius Leopold Weiss
Classical Guitar — Book — baroque
Composed by Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1686-1750). Arranged by Richard Sayage. Savage Classical Guitar Virtuoso Editions. Compilation of 6 Lute Sonatas from the London MS of SL Weiss. Baroque. Book. With Standard. Published by Savage Classical Guitar Transcriptions (SJ.SCGT-0992).
Price: $54.00
Fantasia by Weiss guitar fingerstyle — Sylvius Leopold Weiss
Guitar,Guitar Tab,Guitar Solo,Classical Guitar,Fingerstyle Guitar,Acoustic Guitar — Sheet Music Single,Tablature — 21st Century,Romantic Period,Classical Period,Baroque Period,Recital
Composed by Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1686-1750). Arranged by PianoSheetNow. 21st Century, Romantic Period, Classical Period, Baroque Period, Recital. Sheet Music Single, Tablature. 3 pages. Published by PianoSheetNow (S0.610745).
Price: $3.00
Suite No. 17 — Sylvius Leopold Weiss
— — Classical
Guitar Solo. Composed by Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1686-1750). Editions Durand. Classical. 16 pages. Editions Durand #ME0823900. Published by Editions Durand (HL.50561742).
Price: $35.00
Complete Works for Lute - The London Manuscript (Part 1), Transcription — Sylvius Leopold Weiss
lute — instrumental solo book — Baroque
Composed by Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1686-1750). Edited by Gregg Smith and Douglas Alton. This edition: Cloth-bound. Guitar/Plucked Instruments (solo). Baroque. Instrumental solo book. With standard notation. Edition Peters #EP8483. Published by Edition Peters (PE.EP8483).
Price: $134.00
Lute Sonata V in D Minor from the Dresden Manuscript for Solo Classical Guitar — Sylvius Leopold Weiss
Classical Guitar — Book — baroque
Composed by Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1686-1750). Arranged by Richard Sayage. Savage Classical Guitar Virtuoso Editions. Complete Lute Sonatas from the master lutenist transcribed and arranged for solo classical guitar. Baroque. Book. With standard notation. Published by Savage Classical Guitar Transcriptions (SJ.SCGT-0405).
Price: $9.00
5 Lute Pieces — Sylvius Leopold Weiss
Guitar, Lute — — Classical
Guitar Solo. Composed by Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1686-1750). Edited by E Flower. Guitar Collection. Classical. G. Schirmer #AMP7807. Published by G. Schirmer (HL.50227180).
Price: $4.00
Six Lute Pieces — Sylvius Leopold Weiss
— —
From The Baroque Volume Ii. Composed by Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1686-1750). Arranged by Carlos Barbosa-Lima. With Standard notation. Columbia Music Company #494-00217. Published by Columbia Music Company (PR.494002170).
Price: $8.00
He wrote lute music, incl. over 70 partitas.
Lutenist and composer. In service of Polish prince Alexander Sobieski, with whom he went to Rome around 1708. Later at the courts of Hesse-Kassel, Düsseldorf and from 1718 in Dresden, where he worked with Lotti, Hasse, Porpora, Hebenstreit, Pisendel and others. He was sent to Vienna with a visiting Saxon orchestra that year. In 1723 he played in Prague with Quantz and H. Graun in Fux’s coronation opera Costanza e Fortezza.
Recent evidence has prompted a revision of S.L. Weiss’s birthdate to 1687 instead of 1686. His place of birth is also now known to be Grottkau, and not Breslau. The liner notes to the latest Naxos Weiss CD say the following:
"Frank Legl was the first to recognise the significance of a short posthumous notice published about the famous lutenist ... This reveals that Weiss was in fact born in 1687, a year later than was previously thought, in the small town of Grottkau ..."
(Contribution by <mjr55@cam.ac.uk>)
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