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Jury Everhartz
Jury | Everhartz |
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Liste des compositions
Musique lyrique
Sheet music for Jury Everhartz
Trial By Jury — Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan
vocal soli, SATB choir, orchestra — Bass part —
Composed by Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900). Opera. Bass part. 20 pages. Broude Brothers #BT-GS1-CB. Published by Broude Brothers (PE.BT-GS1-CB).
Price: $12.00
Trial By Jury — Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan
vocal soli, SATB choir, orchestra — Viola part —
Composed by Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900). Opera. Viola part. 20 pages. Broude Brothers #BT-GS1-VLA. Published by Broude Brothers (PE.BT-GS1-VLA).
Price: $12.00
Trial By Jury — Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan
vocal soli, SATB choir, orchestra — Cello part —
Composed by Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900). Opera Vocal Scores. Cello part. 20 pages. Broude Brothers #BT-GS1-VLC. Published by Broude Brothers (PE.BT-GS1-VLC).
Price: $12.00
Trial By Jury — Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan
vocal soli, SATB choir, orchestra — Violin I Part —
Composed by Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900). Opera. Violin I Part. 24 pages. Broude Brothers #BT-GS1-VLN1. Published by Broude Brothers (PE.BT-GS1-VLN1).
Price: $12.00
Trial By Jury — Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan
vocal soli, SATB choir, orchestra — violin II part —
Composed by Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900). Opera. Violin II part. 24 pages. Broude Brothers #BT-GS1-VLN2. Published by Broude Brothers (PE.BT-GS1-VLN2).
Price: $12.00
Trial By Jury — Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan
vocal soli, SATB choir, orchestra — Winds Set —
Composed by Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900). Wind Ensemble/Concert Band. Winds Set. Broude Brothers #BT-GS1-WND. Published by Broude Brothers (PE.BT-GS1-WND).
Price: $125.00
Trial By Jury. Set of parts (includes strings 4/4/3/2/2) — Arthur Sullivan & W.S. Gilbert
vocal soli, SATB choir, orchestra — Set of parts (includes strings —
Composed by Arthur Sullivan & W.S. Gilbert. Edited by Steven Ledbetter. Set of parts (includes strings Duration 45 minutes. Broude Brothers #BT-GS1-CMPST. Published by Broude Brothers (BB.GS1P).
Price: $300.00
Trial by Jury — W.S. Gilbert
Piano, Vocal — — Broadway, Classical, Contemporary, English, Opera
Vocal Score. Composed by W.S. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900). Vocal Score. Broadway, Classical, Contemporary, English, Opera. 96 pages. G. Schirmer #ED1693. Published by G. Schirmer (HL.50337590).
Price: $16.00
Trial By Jury — Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan
vocal soli, SATB choir, orchestra — Full Score - Critical Edition —
Composed by Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900). Full Scores. Full Score - Critical Edition. 256 pages. Broude Brothers #BT-GS1-P. Published by Broude Brothers (PE.BT-GS1-P).
Price: $225.00
Trial by Jury — W.S. Gilbert
Voice — Score — Masterwork; Romantic
English Language Edition. Composed by W.S. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842-1900). Complete Score. Kalmus Edition. Masterwork; Romantic. Score. 76 pages. Kalmus Classic Edition #00-K06777. Published by Kalmus Classic Edition (AP.K06777).
Price: $14.00
- 1998 "Hierlanda" Musikalisches Spektakel nach Johannes Udallricus von Federspill. Kristus - Bariton; die sel - Sopran; Märiä - Sopran; ein engel - Tenor; Damen- und Herrenquartett in räumlicher Aufstellung; Vl, Vl, Vla, Vc, Cb, Fl, Fl, Ob, Cor, Sax (SAT), Acc. UA Universitätskirche Wien, 14.-19.5.1998
- 1999 "Ohne Fortschritt keine Fische" Halbszenisches Konzert über Schlaufentexte von Kristine Tornquist. Daniel - Countertenor; Sopran, Bariton, Baßtubenseptett (3 F, 3 Es, Kontrabaßtuba). UA Wasserturm Wienerberg, 5.6.1999
- 2000 "der automatische Teufel" Ein musikalisches Dilemma nach einem Libretto von Dora Lux. Der Kopf - Sopran; Der Körper - Tenor; Violine, Flöte, Piccolo, Altsaxophon, Kontrabaß, Xylophon, Pedalkesselpauken. UA dietheater Künstlerhaus Wien, 25.-30.9.2000.
- 2001 "Feist" nach einem Libretto von Günter Rupp. Erste Dame - Sopran; Zweite Dame - Sopran; Dritte Dame - Mezzo; Vierte Dame - Alt; Feist - Counter; Ein Irrer - Tenor; Löwe - Baß; Barockviolinen, -viola und -cello, Violono grosso, Barockoboen und-fagott, Waldhörner, Cembalo. UA dietheater Künstlerhaus Wien, 30.6.-7.7.2001.
- 2002 "der Kommissar" Eine Kriminaloper nach einem Libretto von Kristine Tornquist. das Kind - Sopran; Anna - Sopran; Hans K. - Tenor; Hans P. - Tenor; Hans Z. - Tenorbariton; Hans M. - Baß; Streichquartett, Blockflöten, Fagottquartett, Kontrafagott,Baßklarinette, Heckelphon, Trompeten. UA Jugendstiltheater Wien, 15.-22.3.2002.
- 2003 "das Krokodil" Eine Spieloper nach einer Geschichte von Fjodor. Jelena - Sopran Dostojewski, Libretto: Kristine Tornquist; Iwan - Tenor; Semjon - Tenorbariton; Timofej - Baßbariton; Krokodilsbesitzer - Baß; 3 Näherinnen - 3 Alte; 12 Stutzflügel. UA Jugendstiltheater Wien, 26.2.-6.3.2004
- 2004 "das gestohlene Herz" nach einem Libretto von Wolfgang Bauer. Johanna - Sopran; Johann - Alt; Napoleon - Tenor; Der Zwerg - Baß; Die Sphinx; Die oben Genannten; Violine, Kontrabaß, Altflöte in F, Tenorsaxophon, Baßklarinette, B-Trompete, Tenorbaßposaune, Akkordeon, Triangel. UA Tiroler Landestheater Innsbruck, 31.10.-13.11.2004.
Auswahl kleinerer Werke
- "Mikulov". 2 impressions en miniature für Violoncello und Klavier
- 5 Bearbeitungen der unvollständig erhaltenen sechsstimmigen Motetten Don Carlo Gesualdos
- "Dein Fräulein Bimbinella" Liederzettel für Sopran & Klavier
- "Bei einem Teich". Große Liedphantasie für 2 Soprane, 1 Bariton, Violoncello, Große Flöte und Baßklarinette
- "Millstätter Concertino". Kleines geistliches Konzertstück für Mezzosopran, Viola, Violoncello und Orgelpositiv
- Kleine Orgelfuge
- "Vom Verschwinden". Terzett für 3 Altstimmen acapella auf einen Text von Kristine Tornquist
- "De profundis". Kleine Suite für 2 Klaviere
Composing price of the Government of Autria 2003. Musical director of the sirene Operntheater. Organist of Mariahilf in Vienna.
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