Premieres today
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Il y a 242 années
Premiere of the piano concerto in C major KV 387b, in Vienna, Austria, with Mozart at the piano.
Johannes Brahms, Joseph Joachim
Il y a 166 années
Premiere of Brahms's piano concerto no. 1 in d minor op. 15, in Hannover, Germany, with Brahms at the piano and Joachim conducting.
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Il y a 157 années
Premiere of Symphony no. 1 in g minor op. 13 “Winter dreams”, in Moscow, Russia.
Gustav Mahler, Alexander von Zemlinsky
Il y a 125 années
Premiere of Zemlinsky's Es War Einmahl, in Vienna, Austria, with Mahler conducting.
Dimitri Chostakovitch
Il y a 91 années
Premiere of Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, in St. Petersburg (Leningrad), Russia.