
Premieres today

Gustav Albert Lortzing (1846) Il y a 178 années
Premiere of Der Waffenschmied, in Vienna, Austria.
Bedřich Smetana (1866) Il y a 158 années
Premiere of The Bartered Bride, in Prague, Czech Republic.
Igor Stravinsky (1927) Il y a 96 années
Premiere of Oedipus Rex, in Paris, France.
Walter Piston (1938) Il y a 85 années
Premiere of The Incredible Flutist, in Boston, USA.
Luigi Nono (1955) Il y a 68 années
Premiere of Incontri, in Darmstadt, Germany.
Karlheinz Stockhausen (1956) Il y a 67 années
Premiere of Gesang der Jünglinge, in Cologne, Germany.
Benjamin Britten (1962) Il y a 61 années
Premiere of War Requiem, in Coventry, England, with Britten conducting.
Morton Feldman (1986) Il y a 37 années
Premiere of Coptic Light, in New York, USA.
Aharon Harlap (2005) Il y a 18 années
Premiere of the opera “Therese Raquin”, in Jerusalem, Israel.