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Adriana Holszky
Adriana | Hölszky |
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Liste des compositions
Música lírica
Música de cámera
Música instrumental
Música vocal
Música concertanta
Sheet music for Adriana Holszky
Jagt die Woelfe zurueck! — Adriana Holszky
6 percussion — practical score — 20th Century (after 1950)
Composed by Adriana Holszky (1953-). Kammermusik-Bibliothek (Chamber Music Library).
World premiere: Rottenburg (Tage fur Neue Musik), April 1, 1990
Price: $65.00
High Way for One — Adriana Holszky
Accordion solo — performance parts — Music post-1945
Composed by Adriana Holszky (1953-). Edition Breitkopf. World premiere: Yokohama, September 20, 2000. Music post-1945. Performance parts. Breitkopf and Haertel #EB 9130. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (BR.EB-9130).
Price: $36.00
Miserere — Adriana Holszky
Accordion solo — — Music post-1945
Composed by Adriana Holszky (1953-). Edition Breitkopf. World premiere: Tokyo, March 27, 1992Dedicated to Mie Miki. Music post-1945. Breitkopf and Haertel #EB 9083. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (BR.EB-9083).
Price: $39.00
Wolke und Mond — Adriana Holszky
cello, accordion — performance parts — 20th Century (after 1950)
Composed by Adriana Holszky (1953-). Edition Breitkopf.
World premiere of the first version: Salzburg, August 5, 1997
World premiere of the version for orchestra: Saarbrucken, November 10, 2006
Price: $53.00
Es kamen schwarze Voegel — Adriana Holszky
5 female voices, percussion — — 20th Century (after 1950)
Composed by Adriana Holszky (1953-). Kammermusik-Bibliothek (Chamber Music Library).
World premiere: Stuttgart, June 6, 1978
Price: $69.00
Qui audit me — Adriana Holszky
Trio — performance parts — Music post-1945
Composed by Adriana Holszky (1953-). Kammermusik-Bibliothek (Chamber Music Library). World premiere: Stuttgart, September 19, 1997. Music post-1945. Performance parts. Breitkopf and Haertel #KM 2465. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (BR.KM-2465).
Price: $60.00
Avance — Adriana Holszky
bass clarinet, euphonium, cello and piano — practical score — 20th Century (after 1950)
Impulsions mecaniques. Composed by Adriana Holszky (1953-). Kammermusik-Bibliothek (Chamber Music Library).
World premiere of the complete version: Cologne, June 16, 1997
Commissioned by musik-theater-werkstatt of the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden
Price: $64.00
Flux - Reflux — Adriana Holszky
alto saxophone — — 20th Century (after 1950)
Composed by Adriana Holszky (1953-). Edition Breitkopf.
World premiere: Stuttgart, July 8, 1981
Price: $32.00
NOUNS TO NOUNS Ia — Adriana Holszky
violin — — 20th Century (after 1950)
After a Poem by E. E. Cummings. Composed by Adriana Holszky (1953-). Edition Breitkopf.
World premiere: Waltham/USA, March 20, 1983
Price: $34.00
WeltenEnden — Adriana Holszky
1 or 4 brass instruments — — 20th Century (after 1950)
Composed by Adriana Holszky (1953-). Edition Breitkopf.
World premiere: Cologne, March 20, 1993
Price: $55.00
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