Sheet music for Mensonge Officieux Lemoyne
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The Parisian Symphony [Box Set] — Agremens
— 7 listening CDs — Classical
By Agremens and Waas. By Andre-Ernest-Modeste Gretry (1741-1813), Francois-Joseph Gossec (1734-1829), Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), Lebrun, Stamitz, Pieltain, Gresnick, Kreutzer, Lemoyne: Mehul, Spontini, and Herold. Classical. 7 listening CDs. Published by Naxos (NX.RIC357).
Price: $37.00
Find scores for Mensonge Officieux Lemoyne at Sheet Music Plus.
Enviado por Anónimo (no verificado) el 2013-04-06 02:37.