Liste des compositions
- Choeurs — Rheinisches Kaiserlied "Heil, König, heil" • (1876)
- Choeurs — Frühlingssehnsucht "Uns hat der Winter geschadet überall" • (1877)
- Choeurs — Ganze Welt ist Glanz und Freud (Die) • (1877)
- Choeurs — Scheiden und Vergessen • (1877)
- Choeurs — So winterlich, so schauerlich • (1877)
- Choeurs — Im Herbste "Sommerstunden, seid ihr geschwunden" • (1878)
- Choeurs — Auf dem See "Der Abend ist gekommen" choeur 4 voix • (1879)
- Choeurs — Abschied "Ich breite mein Segel": coro masculino • (1893)
- Choeurs — Deutsche Hymne: coro masculino • (1915)
Sheet music for Fruhlingssehnsucht Uns hat der Winter geschadet uberall Humperdinck
Fruhlingssehnsucht — Engelbert Humperdinck
SATB choir — Full score — Secular choral music
Composed by Engelbert Humperdinck (1854-1921). German title: Fruhlingssehnsucht. Secular choral music. Full score. EHWV. 4 pages. Duration 2 minutes. Carus Verlag #CV 40.240/06. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.4024006).
Price: $2.00
Fruhlingssehnsucht — Engelbert Humperdinck
Mixed Choir — —
Composed by Engelbert Humperdinck (1854-1921). Ries & Erler Musikverlag #RE65006. Published by Ries & Erler Musikverlag (PR.RE65006).
Price: $6.00
See now, what kind of love (Sehet, welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeiget) — Johann Sebastian Bach
SATB choir, basso continuo — Full score — Sacred vocal music, Christmas
Aus: Sehet, welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeiget. Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). Edited by Reinhold Kubik. Arranged by Paul Horn. German title: Sehet, welch eine Liebe. Sacred vocal music, Christmas. Full score. Composed 1723. BWV 64,1. 16 pages. Carus Verlag #CV 01.662/00. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.166200).
Price: $6.00
Erhalt uns; Verleih uns Frieden — Michael Praetorius
— Full score — Sacred, Motets
Composed by Michael Praetorius (1571-1621). Edited by Gerhard Trubel. Hymns by Martin Luther: Verleih uns Frieden gnadiglich. German title: Erhalt Uns, Herr+Verleih Uns Frieden. Sacred, Motets. Full score. 20 pages. Carus Verlag #CV 01.488/00. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.148800).
Price: $6.00
Bach: Christus, der uns selig macht; Werner: Christus, der uns selig macht — Johann Sebastian Bach
— Full score — Sacred vocal music, Hymn settings, Lent and Passiontide, Holy Week
Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) and Fritz Werner. German title: Christus, Der Uns Selig Macht (2). Sacred vocal music, Hymn settings, Lent and Passiontide, Holy Week. Full score. 2 pages. Carus Verlag #CV 06.115/00. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.611500).
Price: $1.00
Humperdinck: H√§nsel und Gretel: Vorspiel (Hansel and Gretel: Prelude) - horn quartet — Engelbert Humperdinck
Horn in F,Brass Quartet,Horn Quartet — Score,Set of Parts — Romantic Period,Spiritual,Christmas,Graduation,Recital
Composed by Engelbert Humperdinck (1854-1921). Arranged by Ray Thompson. Romantic Period, Spiritual, Christmas, Graduation, Recital. Score, Set of Parts. 6 pages. Published by RayThompsonMusic (S0.18341).
Price: $9.00
Evening Prayer And Dream — Engelbert Humperdinck
Piano — solo part — Classical
Concert Transcription from Humperdinck's Hansel Und Gretel, for Piano. Composed by Engelbert Humperdinck (1854-1921). Classical. Solo part. With Standard notation. Composed June 4 1992. Opus 37. 12 pages. Duration 10 minutes. Theodore Presser Company #110-40702. Published by Theodore Presser Company (PR.110407020).
Price: $10.00
Hansel and Gretel — Engelbert Humperdinck
String Orchestra — Score and Parts —
Composed by Engelbert Humperdinck (1854-1921). Arranged by Carrie Lane Gruselle. Print-instrumental String Orchestra. FJH String Orchestra. One of the most beloved children's operas is Humperdinck's Hansel and Gretel, based on the fairy tale of two lost children, a forest, a witch, and a gingerbread house. Three famous melodies are used in this arrangement. Score and Parts. Duration 3:40. The FJH Music Company Inc #ST6147. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc (FJ.ST6147).
Price: $50.00
Hansel and Gretel — Engelbert Humperdinck
— Score —
Score Only. Composed by Engelbert Humperdinck (1854-1921). Arranged by Carrie Lane Gruselle. Print-instrumental String Orchestra. FJH String Orchestra. Experience the magic of Humperdinck's famous opera based on the fairy-tale story of two lost children, a witch, and a gingerbread house. This arrangement includes three famous melodies: The Man in the Wood, Prayer, and Brother, Come and Dance with Me. Eac. Score. Duration 3:40. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc (FJ.ST6147S).
Price: $5.00
Scholefield: Du lasst den Tag; Humperdinck; Engelbert — Engelbert Humperdinck
— Full score — Sacred vocal music, Morning, midday, evening
Composed by Engelbert Humperdinck (1854-1921) and Clement Cotterill Scholefield. German title: Zwei Abendlieder. Sacred vocal music, Morning, midday, evening. Full score. 2 pages. Carus Verlag #CV 06.510/00. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.651000).
Price: $1.00