
Composers without date of death

Below is a list of composers born more than 80 years ago, but without a date of death. Of course these composers may very well still be alive, but this list may be helpful for finding incomplete data on this site. Let me know if you can complete any information.

Hafliði Hallgrímsson 1941
Hans Karsten Raecke 1941 Germany
Wang-Hua Chu 1941 China
Urs Joseph Flury 1941 Switzerland
Andreas Pfluger 1941 Switzerland
Peter Gotthardt 1941 Germany
Mihail Pekov 1941 Bulgaria
Moya Henderson 1941 Australia
Jordi Savall 1941 Spain
Paul Anka 1941 Canada
Édith Lejet 1941 France
Judith Margaret Bailey 1941 England
Teppo Hauta-aho 1941 Finland
Imants Kalnins 1941 Latvia
Sook Ja Oh 1941 Korea
Charles Pizer 1941 United States
Giampaolo Bracali 1941 Italy, United States
Bob Dylan 1941 United States
Roderik de Man 1941 Netherlands, Indonesia
Sebastian Forbes 1941 England
David Cope 1941 United States
Anthony Newman 1941 United States
Petr Vratislav Černík 1941 Czech Republic
Armand Coeck 1941 Belgium
Guillermo Gregorio 1941 Argentine
John Mitchell 1941 United States
Elizabeth Vercoe 1941 United States
Gillian Whitehead 1941 New Zealand
Dieter Kaufmann 1941 Austria
Adolphus Hailstork 1941 United States
Gheorghe Zamfir 1941 Romania
Michael Moriarty 1941 United States
Wilfried Jentzsch 1941 Germany
Helge Jörns 1941 Germany
Wilfried Hiller 1941 Germany
Gary Edwards 1941 United States
José de Paiva Netto 1941 Brésil
Karl Heinz Zarius 1941 Germany
Ramón Pagayon Sántos 1941 Philippines
Carlos Roqué Alsina 1941 France, Argentine
David Sargent 1941 United States
Sergio Calligaris 1941 Argentine
Gillian Weir 1941 New Zealand
Jerzy Derfel 1941 Poland
Sergueï Banevitch 1941 Russia
Serge Tcherepnine 1941 Russia
David Beck 1941 England
Christian Gouinguene 1941 France
Valeri Grigorievitch Kikta 1941 Ukraine
John Melby 1941 United States
