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Ivan Moody
Ivan | Moody |
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Opera und lyrische Musik
Sheet music for Ivan Moody
Missa Paschalis — Ivan Moody
SATB Choir and Piano — Part — Sacred
By Ivan Moody. By Orlande De Lassus (1532-1594). Edited by Ivan Moody. Renaissance Masters. Sacred. Part. Novello & Co Ltd. #MUSNOV032101. Published by Novello & Co Ltd. (HL.14020852).
Price: $7.00
Arctic Light - Finnish Orthodox Music — Cappella Romana
— CD — Classical
By Cappella Romana and Ivan Moody. By Boris Jakubov, Ivan Moody, Mikko Sidoroff, Pekka Attinen, Peter Mirolybov, Timo Ruottinen, and Leonid Bashmakov. Classical. CD. Naxos #CR412-CD. Published by Naxos (NX.CR412-CD).
Price: $18.00
Basic Clarinet Scales — Robert Moody
Clarinet,Concert Band,Marching Band,Jazz Ensemble,Full Orchestra — Individual Part — Method,Etudes and Exercises,General Instructional,Technique Training,Activities and Games
Composed by Robert Moody. Method, Etudes and Exercises, General Instructional, Technique Training, Activities and Games. Individual Part. 27 pages. Published by Published by Robert Moody (S0.281801).
Price: $1.00
It Is Done — David A. Moody
Piano Solo — Score — Contemporary Classical,Christian,Spiritual,Easter
Composed by David A. Moody. Contemporary Classical, Christian, Spiritual, Easter. Score. 5 pages. Published by David A. Moody (S0.501533).
Price: $1.00
Clarinet Fingering Chart (Full Range) — Robert Moody
Clarinet — — 21st Century,Method,Etudes and Exercises,General Instructional,Technique Training
Composed by Robert Moody. 21st Century, Method, Etudes and Exercises, General Instructional, Technique Training. 11 pages. Published by Published by Robert Moody (S0.269779).
Price: $1.00
Clarinet Daily C Major Warm-up — Robert Moody
Clarinet,Concert Band,Marching Band,Full Orchestra,Chamber Orchestra — Score — Method,Etudes and Exercises,General Instructional,Technique Training,Activities and Games
Composed by Robert Moody. Method, Etudes and Exercises, General Instructional, Technique Training, Activities and Games. Score. 9 pages. Published by Published by Robert Moody (S0.336529).
Price: $1.00
Moody: The Akathistos Hymn — Cappella Romana
— — Classical
By Cappella Romana. By Ivan Moody. Classical, Choral. Classical. Naxos #CR418-2CD. Published by Naxos (NX.CR418-2CD).
Price: $20.00
Ivan Bessonov plays Chopin — Ivan Bessonov
— — Classical
By Ivan Bessonov. By Ivan Bessonov and Frederic Chopin (1810-1849). Classical. Ars Produktion #ARS38277. Published by Ars Produktion (NX.ARS38277).
Price: $19.00
My Immortal — Ben Moody
— Score — Light Concert; Rock
As performed by Evanescence. Composed by Ben Moody, Amy Lee, and David Hodges. Arranged by Robert Gardner. Performance Music Ensemble; Single Titles; String Orchestra. Pop Intermediate String Orchestra. Form: Ballade. Light Concert; Rock. Score. 12 pages. Alfred Music #00-38424S. Published by Alfred Music (AP.38424S).
Price: $9.00
Moment By Moment (CB) — May Moody
Concert Band — Score,Set of Parts — Contemporary Classical,Praise & Worship,General Worship,Pop
Composed by May Moody. Arranged by James Gilbert. Contemporary Classical, Praise & Worship, General Worship, Pop. Score, Set of Parts. 29 pages. Published by James Gilbert Music (S0.150909).
Price: $9.00
- Crocifissione 2003 Text from the Lamentations of Jeremiah (Latin /Greek) 5 minutes SSATB, 2 horns, 2 trombones Tbp DolciAure Ensemble Turin, Abbazia di Staffarda, June 2004
- Sophisms Six short pieces for children 2003 4 minutes Solo piano Fp Svetlana Poliakova and Taissa Cunha, Estoril, 11 November, 2003
- Linnunlaulu 2003 12 minutes Solo Piano, Chamber Orchestra (fl, ob, cl, hn, tpt, tbn, vnI vnII, vla, vc, cb) Tbp Elsa Silva and Orchestrutopica, Lisbon, October 2004
- The Dormition of the Virgin 2003 Texts from the Transitus Mariae, Matins of the Dormition and other liturgical sources (English) 45 minutes STB soloists, choir, 2 cornetti (or trumpets), strings Commissioned by the BBC for the BBC Singers Fp Micaela Haslam (soprano), Robert Johnston (tenor), Steohen Charlesworth (bass), BBC Singers, St James Baroque/Stephen Layton, London, 21 May 2004
- The Morning Star 2003 12 minutes Solo Double bass, string orchestra Commissioned by Duncan Fox
- Exaposteilarion for Pascha 2003 Text: Exaposteilarion from Paschal Matins (Finnish or English) 2 minutes SSAATTBB Fp Orthodox Choir of the University of Joensuu/Ivan Moody, Joensuu, 22 May, 2003
- Wedding Troparion 2003 Text: From the Orthodox Wedding Service (English) 3 minutes S, vl, vcl Fp Karina Campos (sop), Paulo Egídio Klugeman (vl), Danny Secco (vc), Igreja Ortodoxa Ucraniana de São Miguel, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, 8 November, 2003
- Music for Diálogo das Compensadas 2003 Text: Mark 11:15 (Greek) Total timing c.25 minutes Contralto, Treble Viol, 2 Bass Viols, Violone Commissioned by the Fatias de Cá Theatre Company for the play Diálogo das Compensadas by João Aguiar; Recording made by Grupo Diálogo/Ivan Moody, Lisbon, 26 February, 2003
- Lament of Adam 2003 Text: Sikthiron at the Praises of Matins for Forgiveness Sunday (English) 4 minutes TTBarB Fp Choir of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Protection, New York City, 9 March, 2003
- Bogoroditse Devo 2003 Text: Hymn to the Virgin (Slavonic) 3 minutes SSAATTBB Fp St George’s Cathedral Choir/Bogdan Djakovic, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, 14 May, 2003
- Erimos 2003 Texts from Psalm 103, Forgiveness Sunday Vespers and the Apolytikion for Holy Ascetics (English) 8 minutes SSAA Fp Canty, Old St Paul’s Episcipal Church, Edinburgh, 6 June, 2003
- The Canon for Theophany 2002 Text: Canon for Matins of Holy Theophany (English) SSAATTBB 30 minutes Fp Orthodox Choir of the University of Joensuu/Ivan Moody, Joensuu, 22 May, 2003
- Isconsolada 2002 Text: Matins of Holy Friday, Sardinian devotional chant (Greek/Sardinian) 10 minutes SSATB Fp Winterthur Vocal Ensemble/Ivan Moody, Oberwinterthur, 13 June, 2003
- A Lion’s Sleep 2002 Text: St Simeon Metaphrastes, translated by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Liturgy of Holy Saturday (English/Greek) 10 minutes SSS Fp Trio Mediaeval, Trinity College, Cambridge, 18 July, 2003
- Lumière sans déclin 2002 11 minutes Baroque String Orchestra Written for the Jusqu’aux Oreiiles Festival Fp Les Voix Baroques, Montréal, Canada, 23 August 2002
- In Paradise of Old 2002 Text: Kathisma from Matins of the Exaltation of the Cross (English) 6 minutes SSAATTBB Written for the Schola Cantorum of St Peter the Apostle, Chicago Fp Schola Cantorum of St Peter the Apostle, Chicago/J. Michael Thompson, September, 2002
- Chalice of Wisdom 2002 Text: Gospels, Matins of the Feast of St Thomas (English/Greek) 7 minutes TTBarBB Written for Amarcord
- The Blessed Among Women, Weeping A Passion Carol 2002 Text: John of Euchaita, translated by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Matins of Holy Saturday (English/Greek) 5 minutes TTTB Written for Red Byrd
- Carol of the Magi 2001 Text: Aposticha from Vespers of the Nativity (English/Greek) 2 minutes SSMA Written for the Oriana Ensemble
- Make ready, Bethlehem/Dormi Iesu 2001 Text: Apolytikion of the Preparation of the Nativity/Anonymous Christmas carol (English/Latin) 1½ minutes SSAATBB Fp English Chamber Choir/Guy Protheroe, London, 12th December, 2001
- Corale per Eunice 2001 2 ½ minutes Consort of viols (Tr, Tr, T,B) Written in memory of Eunice Brandão
- Vecheri Tvoeya 2001 Text: Communion Hymn for Pascha 2 ½ minutes SATB Fp Pravoslava Chamber Choir/Ivan Moody, Palácio Foz, Lisbon, 13th November, 2001
- Lamentations of the Myrrhbearer 2001 17 minutes String Quartet Fp Soloists of the Gulbenkian Orchestra, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, 10th December, 2001
- Khárama 2001 9 minutes Piano solo Fp Mac McClure, Córdoba, Ecuador, 31 March, 2003
- The Prophecy of Symeon 2001 Text from the Gospels and Megalynarion for Theophany (English, Greek) 9 minutes SATTB Commissioned by Porto 2001 Fp Grupo Vocal Olisipo,Convento de São Bento, Oporto, 14th October 2001
- Slova (Words) 2001 Poem by Anna Akhmatova (Russian) 2 minutes SSA Written for Tapestry
- The Manger 2000 Texts: Traditional carol; Kontakion for the Nativity and Compline for the Nativity (English) 4 minutes SATB Fp English Chamber Choir/Guy Protheroe, London, 19th December 2000
- Prayer at the Close of Day 2000 Text from the Orthodox Prayer Book (English) 4 minutes SSSSAATTBB Written for The Tallis Scholars
- Myron 2000 7 minutes Flute and piano Written for João Pereira Coutinho
- O Tower wreathed in gold 2000 8 minutes Solo cello
- The Adoration of the Lamb 2000 Text: The Book of Revelation, Trisagion (English, Greek) 10 minutes SSMSMSAATTBB Fp The Tallis Scholars/Peter Phillips, Dorchester, 28th July, 2000
- Psalm of Crowning 2000 Text: Orthodox Marriage Service (English, Greek) 6 minutes SSAATTBB Fp Cappella Romana, Tudor Singers, Seattle, 9th July, 2000
- Canticle of Light 1999 Text: Canticle of Simeon and from Orthodox Matins of the Nativity (English) 5 minutes SSA, SSAATTBB Fp Invocation, Horsham, 31st December, 1999
- Polyeleos 1999 Text from Orthodox Vespers (English) 6 minutes SSAATTBB Fp Chapel Choir of Royal Holloway, University of London/Lionel Pike, 11th June, 2000
- The Bright Star 1999 Text from Russian kolyadka and Great Vespers for the Nativity (English) 4 minutes SSS/SABar Fp Choir of St John’s-Ravenscourt School, Winnipeg, Canada, 3rd December, 1999
- The Troparion of Kassiani 1999 Text from Orthodox Matins of Holy Wednesday (English, Greek) 7 minutes SSS Fp Trio Mediaeval, Sandefjord, Norway, 26th March, 2000
- Cantos Mozárabes II 1999 Texts: Mozarabic jarchas (Mozarabic Spanish) 11 minutes Soprano & harpsichord Fp Sophie Yates and Julia Gooding, Mafra Festival, October 1999
- Anghelu 1999 8 minutes Double bass quartet Fp Contr’Orquestra, Teatro Garcia de Rezende,
Ivan Moody was born in London in 1964. He studied composition with Brian Dennis at London University (winning the Royal Holloway Prize in 1984 for his Three Poems of Anna Akhmatova), and privately with Sir John Tavener. He later studied Orthodox theology through the continuing education centre of the University of Joensuu, Finland, and is currently pursuing postgraduate compositional work with William Brooks at the University of York. He lives at present in Estoril, Portugal, with his wife, the singer Susana Diniz Moody, and two children, Sebastian and Sofia.
Eastern liturgical chant has had a profound influence on his music, as has the spirituality of the Orthodox Church, to which he belongs. His music has been performed and broadcast all over Europe, both East and West, as well as in Japan, the USA and South America. Following the enormous success of Canticum Canticorum I, written for the Hilliard Ensemble and performed by them all over the world, in 1990 he won the Arts for the Earth Festival Prize for Prayer for the Forests, which was subsequently premièred by the renowned Tapiola Choir in Finland. One of his most important works to date is the oratorio Passion and Resurrection (1992), based on Orthodox liturgical texts, which was premièred in June 1993 by Red Byrd and the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir under Tõnu Kaljuste at the Tampere Festival and recorded by Finnish Radio. It was subsequently repeated and broadcast to great acclaim in the Netherlands, the USA and Great Britain, and has been recorded on CD by Hyperion. The work was toured in the USA (Portland, Seattle, Irvine and Los Angeles) in October 2002 by Cappella Romana, under the composer
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