- Werke: Laute — Belle voilée, Duchesse de la Vallière (La) : allemande (La) • Fa Majeur
- Werke: Laute — Bonne aventure (La) : courante • Ré Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Bout de l'an de Monsieur Gaultier (Le) : allemande • La Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Brugeloise (La) : volte • La Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Castagnettes (Les) : canaries • La Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Cigogne (La) : courante • La Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Comète (La) : chaconne • Ut Majeur
- Werke: Laute — Coquette (La)
- Werke: Laute — Dauphine (La)
- Werke: Laute — Divine (La) : sarabande • Fa Dièse Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Doge de Venise (Le) : chaconne • Fa Dièse Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Eternelle (L') : courante • Fa Dièse Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Folies d'Espagne (Les) • La Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Fontange (La)
- Werke: Laute — Grande Virago (La) : gigue • Fa Dièse Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Grenouillère (La)
- Werke: Laute — Jalousée (La) : gavotte • La Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Levrette (La)
- Werke: Laute — Meurtrière (La)
- Werke: Laute — Mignarde (La) : sarabande • Ré Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Montespan (La)
- Werke: Laute — Petit sérail (Le)
- Werke: Laute — Pie (La)
- Werke: Laute — Prélude • La Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Prélude • Fa Dièse Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Sans pareille (La) : sarabande • Fa Dièse Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Suite • Fa Dièse Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Suite • Fa Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Suite • Ut Majeur
- Werke: Laute — Suite • Ut Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Suite • Fa Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Tombeau de la Reyne : pavane • Ré Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Tombeau de Madame
- Werke: Laute — Tombeau de Monsieur de Turenne
- Werke: Laute — Tombeau de Monsieur le Prince de Condé
- Werke: Laute — Tombeau des Muses françoises • Fa Dièse Mineur
- Werke: Laute — Tonnerre (Le) : courante • Fa Majeur
- Werke: Laute — a = Fncm 592053 • R 68
Sheet music for Doge de Venise Gallot
Violoncello Concerto in B minor Op. 104 — Antonin Dvorak
cello, orchestra — full score — Romantic
Urtext. Composed by Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904). Edited by Klaus Doge. Arranged by K. Doge. Partitur-Bibliothek (Score Library).
Klaus Doge has critically re-examined all the surviving sources. His research has yielded a new, text-critical edition that meticulously evaluates the many, often contradictory readings that create discrepancies between the autograph and the first edit. Romantic. Full score. Breitkopf and Haertel #PB-5290. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (BR.PB-5290).
Price: $81.00
Album d'un voyageur I, III; Clochette et Carnaval de Venise (Suppl. 5) — Franz Liszt
Piano — softcover —
Clochette Et Carnaval De Venise. Composed by Franz Liszt (1811-1886). New Liszt Edition, supplement 'B'. Softcover. With Standard notation. 220 pages. Editio Musica Budapest #510-04941. Published by Editio Musica Budapest (PR.510049410).
Price: $80.00
Album d'un voyageur I, III; Clochette et Carnaval de Venise (Suppl. 5) — Franz Liszt
Piano — hardcover —
Clochette Et Carnaval De Venise. Composed by Franz Liszt (1811-1886). New Liszt Edition, supplement 'A'. Hardcover. With Standard notation. 236 pages. Editio Musica Budapest #510-04943. Published by Editio Musica Budapest (PR.510049430).
Price: $190.00
Symphony No. 8 in G major Op. 88 — Antonin Dvorak
orchestra — full score — Romantic
Urtext. Composed by Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904). Edited by Klaus Doge. Partitur-Bibliothek (Score Library).
Oh the tempi, how terrible! Dvorak often complained bitterly about tempi, and with good reason, as the respected Dvorak expert Klaus Doge discovered while preparing his edition of the Eighth.
Romantic. Full score. Breitkopf and Haertel #PB-5291. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (BR.PB-5291).Price: $96.00
Violoncello Concerto in B minor Op. 104 — Antonin Dvorak
cello, orchestra — study score — Romantic
Urtext. Composed by Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904). Edited by Klaus Doge. Partitur-Bibliothek (Score Library).
Klaus Doge has critically re-examined all the surviving sources. His research has yielded a new, text-critical edition that meticulously evaluates the many, often contradictory readings that create discrepancies between the autograph and the first edit. Romantic. Study score. Breitkopf and Haertel #PB-5379-07. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (BR.PB-5379-07).
Price: $19.00
Symphony No. 8 in G major Op. 88 — Antonin Dvorak
orchestra — violin 1 part — Romantic
Urtext. Composed by Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904). Edited by Klaus Doge. Orchester-Bibliothek (Orchestral Library).
Oh the tempi, how terrible! Dvorak often complained bitterly about tempi, and with good reason, as the respected Dvorak expert Klaus Doge discovered while preparing his edition of the Eighth.
Romantic. Violin 1 part. Breitkopf and Haertel #OB-5291-15. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (BR.OB-5291-15).Price: $9.00
Symphony No. 8 in G major Op. 88 — Antonin Dvorak
orchestra — violin 2 part — Romantic
Urtext. Composed by Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904). Edited by Klaus Doge. Orchester-Bibliothek (Orchestral Library).
Oh the tempi, how terrible! Dvorak often complained bitterly about tempi, and with good reason, as the respected Dvorak expert Klaus Doge discovered while preparing his edition of the Eighth.
Romantic. Violin 2 part. Breitkopf and Haertel #OB-5291-16. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (BR.OB-5291-16).Price: $9.00
Symphony No. 8 in G major Op. 88 — Antonin Dvorak
orchestra — viola part — Romantic
Urtext. Composed by Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904). Edited by Klaus Doge. Orchester-Bibliothek (Orchestral Library).
Oh the tempi, how terrible! Dvorak often complained bitterly about tempi, and with good reason, as the respected Dvorak expert Klaus Doge discovered while preparing his edition of the Eighth.
Romantic. Viola part. Breitkopf and Haertel #OB-5291-19. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (BR.OB-5291-19).Price: $9.00
Symphony No. 8 in G major Op. 88 — Antonin Dvorak
orchestra — violoncello part — Romantic
Urtext. Composed by Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904). Edited by Klaus Doge. Orchester-Bibliothek (Orchestral Library).
Oh the tempi, how terrible! Dvorak often complained bitterly about tempi, and with good reason, as the respected Dvorak expert Klaus Doge discovered while preparing his edition of the Eighth.
Romantic. Violoncello part. Breitkopf and Haertel #OB-5291-23. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (BR.OB-5291-23).Price: $9.00
Violoncello Concerto in B minor Op. 104 — Antonin Dvorak
cello, orchestra — violin 2 part — Romantic
Urtext. Composed by Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904). Edited by Klaus Doge. Solo concerto. Orchester-Bibliothek (Orchestral Library).
Klaus Doge has critically re-examined all the surviving sources. His research has yielded a new, text-critical edition that meticulously evaluates the many, often contradictory readings that create discrepancies between the autograph and the first edit. Romantic. Violin 2 part. Breitkopf and Haertel #OB 5290-16. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (BR.OB-5290-16).
Price: $8.00