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Gabriel Pierné
Henri-Constant Gabriel | Pierné |
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Opera und lyrische Musik
Sinfonische Musik
Geistliche Musik
Konzertante Musik
Compositions sorted on opus (if available)
52 numéros
Op. 3
Op. 4
Op. 5
Op. 6
Op. 7
Op. 8
Op. 9
Op. 12
Op. 13
Op. 14
Op. 14a/ 1
Op. 15
Op. 16
Op. 17
Op. 18
Op. 19
Op. 20
Op. 21
Op. 22
Op. 23
Op. 24
Op. 25
Op. 29A
Op. 29B/ 1
Op. 29B/ 2
Op. 30
Op. 31
Op. 32
Op. 33
Op. 34
Op. 35
Op. 36a
Op. 36b
Op. 37
Op. 39
Op. 40
Op. 40/ 1
Op. 40a
Op. 41
Op. 42
Op. 43
Op. 45
Op. 46
Op. 48
Op. 49
Op. 51
Op. 52
Op. 53
Sheet music for Gabriel Pierne
Album Pour Mes Petits Amis, Op. 14 — Gabriel Pierne
Violin,Viola,Cello,String Quartet — Score — Romantic Period,Recital
Composed by Gabriel Pierne (1863-1937). Arranged by Fiona Hickie, Gabriel Pierne. Romantic Period, Recital. Score. 71 pages. Published by Fiona Hickie (S0.697809).
Price: $20.00
Gabriel Pierne - Solo De Concert Pour Basson Et Piano. — Gabriel Pierne
— CD only — Classical
Composed by Gabriel Pierne (1863-1937). Leduc. Classical. CD only. 16 pages. Alphonse Leduc #AL20914. Published by Alphonse Leduc (HL.48181405).
Price: $28.00
Fantaisie-ballet : pour piano et orchestre, oeuvre 6 — Henri Constant Gabriel Pierne
piano solo — piano reduction —
Composed by Henri Constant Gabriel Pierne. Edited by Gabriel Pierne. Keyboard instruments. Piano reduction. Composed 1885. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.97016).
Price: $26.00
Pierne - Pastoral Variations in the Old Style set for flute trio — Gabiel Pierne
Flute — Score,Set of Parts — 20th Century
Composed by Gabiel Pierne. Arranged by John Gibson. 20th Century. Score, Set of Parts. 27 pages. Published by JB Linear (S0.53767).
Price: $9.00
Pierne Pastoral Variations in the Old Style set for clarinet quartet — Gabiel Pierne
Clarinet — Score,Set of Parts — Romantic Period
Composed by Gabiel Pierne. Arranged by John Gibson. Romantic Period. Score, Set of Parts. 33 pages. Published by JB Linear (S0.52849).
Price: $12.00
Pierne - Pastoral Variations in the Old Style set for flute quartet — Gabiel Pierne
Flute — Score,Set of Parts — Romantic Period
Composed by Gabiel Pierne. Arranged by John Gibson. Romantic Period. Score, Set of Parts. 38 pages. Published by JB Linear (S0.53445).
Price: $12.00
Pierne - Pastoral Variations in the Old Style set for clarinet trio — Gabiel Pierne
Clarinet — Score,Set of Parts — 20th Century
Composed by Gabiel Pierne. Arranged by John Gibson. 20th Century. Score, Set of Parts. 27 pages. Published by JB Linear (S0.53829).
Price: $9.00
Andante Scherzo — Gabriel Pierne
clarinet in B-flat, piano — —
Composed by Gabriel Pierne (1863-1937). With Standard notation. Gerard Billaudot Editeur #524-01559. Published by Gerard Billaudot Editeur (PR.524015590).
Price: $13.00
Piece in G Minor — Gabriel Pierne
Clarinet — Part(s) — 20th Century; Masterwork; Romantic
Composed by Gabriel Pierne (1863-1937). Masterworks; Solo; Solo Small Ensembles; Woodwind - B-flat Clarinet Solo. Kalmus Edition. 20th Century; Masterwork; Romantic. Part(s). 12 pages. Kalmus Classic Edition #00-K09758. Published by Kalmus Classic Edition (AP.K09758).
Price: $7.00
Piece in G Minor — Gabriel Pierne
Oboe — Part(s) — 20th Century; Masterwork; Romantic
Composed by Gabriel Pierne (1863-1937). Masterworks; Woodwind - Oboe Solo. Kalmus Edition. 20th Century; Masterwork; Romantic. Part(s). 12 pages. Kalmus Classic Edition #00-K04127. Published by Kalmus Classic Edition (AP.K04127).
Price: $7.00
[In German]
Neben 6 Opern verfasste Gabriel Pierné eine Anzahl Ballette und Pantomimen sowie Bühnenmusiken. Er schrieb ferner die Oratorien "Die Weihnachtsnacht 1870", "Die Kinder in Bethlehem" und "Der heilige Franziskus von Assisi" sowie zahlreiche Chor- und Sologesänge mit Klavier- oder Orchesterbegleitung, eine Serenade für Streichorchester, ein Konzertstück für Violine und Orchester, ein sinfonisches Gedicht für Harfe und Orchester, eine "Fantaisie basque" für Violine und Orchester und weitere Orchesterwerke, Kammermusik und Stücke für Orgel, für Harfe und Klavier. Er war ein typischer Spätromantiker, der sich von neuen Formen fernhielt, aber im Rahmen seines Stils höchste Vollendung erreichte.
Owen Norris <> adds:
Edith (cantata) won Prix de Rome in 1882.
La Croisade des Enfants (oratorio-1905).
Marche des petits soldats de plomb (March of Little Lead Soldiers), Op 28 for piano (4 hands?).
Wrote eight operas, instrumental and orchestral music, and songs.
Also a two-piano Barcarolle.
Cousin of Paul Pierné.
[In German]
Henri Constant Gabriel Pierné wurde am 16.8.1863 in Metz geboren. Am Conservatoire in Paris studierte er unter Antoine François Marmontel, Alexandre Jean Albert Lavignac, Emile Durand (16.2.1830, St. Brieuc, Côtes-du-Nord, bis 6.5.1900, Nancy), César Franck, Jules Massenet und erhielt den Rompreis. Von 1890 bis 1898 wirkte er als Organist an Ste Clotilde und von 1903 bis 1932 als Dirigent an dem von Edouard Colonne (23.7.1838, Bordeaux, bis 28.3.1910, Paris) 1873 gegründeten "Concert National" (Concerts Colonne). Er starb am 17.7.1937 in Ploujean, Finistere.
Owen Norris <> adds:
French organist, conductor, and composer. Pupil of Massenet and Franck. Contemporary of Debussy.
Prémières pour Gabriel Pierné
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